Personal Productivity Management: Online Cohort

The Second Productivity Cohort begins Soon! (Date TBA)

The cohort is structured as 2 hour weekly sessions on Saturday mornings (IST) for 6 weeks. In addition there will be a 1 hour weekly open session for the course duration for people to share their own specific challenges. This totals to 18 hours of productivity training conducted online.

What will you learn?

Highly effective productivity techniques in short time. If you struggle with productivity: planning, prioritisation, staying focused, work life balance or managing tasks this course is for you.

What can you expect as part of the cohort?

Six Productivity Areas Covered

Practical & Engaging Sessions

  • Structured Modules: Delivered in a structured module-by-module format
  • Practical Concepts: Focus on concepts and ideas that work based on actual experience
  • High Interactivity: Live cohort interactions, activities, and online group interactions
  • Tools, Frameworks and Templates: Easy to adopt material
  • Additional Resources: Sharing of effective resources in addition to course material

About the Founder and Host of the Sessions

Workshop Facilitator: Tejas Pahlajani

Tejas is the Founder and Chief Enabler at Equist and will be your host of the sessions.

Tejas started Equist to share his own learnings from experimenting with countless productivity techniques over the past seven years.

Tejas has held mid to senior positions at prominent technology and development sector organisations. He holds a BE in Computer Engineering and an MBA from the Indian School of Business.

Sounds Interesting?


1. What are the fees for the Cohort?

The fees are INR 24,000* (20% off the original price of INR 30,000) for those registering early (Date TBA). * GST applicable at 18%.

2. Where can I find more details?

If you want to learn more, view the brochure here

3. What are the duration and timings?

Structured Live Cohort sessions take place for a duration of 6 consecutive weeks every Saturday from 10 AM to 12 PM IST. In addition, an open session will be carried out on a weekly basis (Thursday evening IST).

4. Who does the cohort intended to serve?

The cohort is applicable to anyone who is looking to improve their productivity. The main requirement is a burning desire to improve your productivity. That being said, we have worked to successfully address the productivity needs of people with as little as 2 years of work experience and as many as 20+ years of work experience.

5. What can I expect to get from the sessions?

Takeaways and journeys of attendees differs based on their unique productivity challenges. However, we most commonly observe improvements in focus, work-personal life balance, prioritisation and / or mindset changes.

6. What if I cannot attend a session?

The sessions are recorded for the later viewing of participants only. You can catch up on the class through the recordings. Further, the open sessions allow you a chance to ask questions that are specific to your own experiences.